
Benefits to Training Your Canine Companion

For many dog owners, the main goal of training their canine companions is to teach them how to behave. Teaching dogs proper behavior is especially important for owners of puppies or recently adopted dogs. However, training your pup has more benefits than just teaching proper behavior. Keep reading to learn five benefits of training your

Should I Let My Dog Swim in Our Pool?

  Swimming serves not only as a fun summer activity for humans, but also as an excellent way for dogs to get exercise and have fun. Before letting your furry friend jump in the pool, read these tips below to learn how to keep your dog and swimming pool safe this summer. Benefits of Letting

Your Puppy Playdate Handbook

Whether your furry friend is still a puppy or just a puppy at heart, setting up a playdate for them will help them get some much-needed playtime. As much as your pup enjoys spending time with you, being around other dogs provides them with additional enrichment. Not only is a puppy playdate enjoyable for most

Natural Pest Control: Dog-Friendly Plants That Keep Mosquitoes Away

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance to you and your canine, but chemical repellants and some plants can be dangerous, too. So, read below for a list of dog-friendly plants that naturally repel mosquitoes! Basil Basil can be used not only in cooking but also to repel mosquitos! The plant is toxic to mosquito larvae but

Van Life Tips: Dog Owner Edition

Van life can be exciting for you and your dog, filled with sights, fun, and adventure! So, read below for tips on van life as a dog owner! Insulation Insulation will keep your van cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather. So you and your furry friend will be comfortable no matter the

Everything You Need to Know About Acupuncture for Dogs

Have you heard of acupuncture treatment for dogs? Read below to learn everything you need to know about acupuncture for dogs! What Is Dog Acupuncture? Acupuncture is the process of inserting acupuncture needles into specific points of the body, often where nerves and blood vessels are close together. Then, the needles may be left in

Should You Show Your Dog in Your Dating Profile?

Have you wondered how to make your dating profile the best it can be? Would highlighting Fido make it better? Read below to learn if you should show your dog in your dating profile! Conversation Starter Including your dog in your dating profile photos is a great way to stand out among the crowd. For

Top 5 Dog-Friendly Cakes Delivered to Your Doorstep

Whether you are looking for a cake to celebrate a birthday, gotcha day, holiday, or just for fun, there are plenty of great dog-friendly delivery options to pick from! Read below to learn about our top 5 dog-friendly cake delivery services! Butters Barkery & Pawtisserie This bakery believes that every dog deserves a special celebration,

Holiday Movies to Watch with Fido

.Aside from Christmas classics like Elf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, A Christmas Story, White Christmas, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas, there are countless other movies to enjoy with your canine companion by your side. So, read below for holiday movies to watch with Fido! I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown Charlie Brown

What Should I Do if My Dog Eats Sand?

If you have a dog-friendly beach near you, you are probably spending lots of time there! However, keep in mind the dangers of the beach. One consideration is consuming sand. So, read below to learn what you should do if your dog eats sand! What is Sand Impaction? Ingesting sand is not harmful to your

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